
Observations and wisdom on just about anything and everything you can think of.

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Iraq? What you don't understand

I see Olmert and the Israeli government as the absolute mirror image of Bush and the Neocons, particularly as they are working together. The major obstacles on the horizon are 1) peak oil, and 2) uncontrolled Islam.

What does trouble me is two things: What the Neocons plan or will accept and what unintended consequences might result.

It's clear to a blind man that the unintended consequences could be disastrous, as the Muslim nations become more and more emboldened. Obviously this could take all forms; and anyone who honestly believes they know the subtlety and sense of all of the Islamic combinations and permutations politically has got to be smoking confiscated herbs.

What troubles me more are the potential intended consequences--including that which many people regard as inconceivable purposefully; and I refer specifically to the destruction of Israel.

It would please the vast majority of powers if Israel were eradicated. This would please the Muslim world no end, and Saudi Arabia in particular, who could most benefit from such an occurrence, particularly as it would not only deflect attention from her but might even be envisioned as a way of allowing the Sunni world to gain predominance, and to do it quickly, before Iran actually is able to build a nuclear weapon. What most people don't realize is that a nuclear Iran is almost as much a threat to Saudi Arabia as it would be to Israel and others. The other problem concerning the Saudis is the Central Republics possibly re-aligning with Russia, or worse yet, with the evolving Central American countries.

Such a plan is also urged by the rapid advancement of China and the chilling possibility of rapprochement with Russia or at least her re-entry into the international arena.

In this scenario, Olmert and his ilk are doing this very work now and have been working on a parallel path in Israel as is Bush in the USA. The net result would be a free-flow of oil, with the Saudis and joint domination of Iraq by the Saudis and the Americans.

By "Americans" of course I mean the Neocon empire, which will be the North American Union, compromised of Mexico, USA and Canada, substituting the Amero for the dollar and therefore ditching the problem associated with the Federal Reserve generated worthless-backs.

The potential armed forces have largely been depleted and the continent will be controlled by Gulf State police. With Israel descimated, the remaining Jewish population will be easily manageable in the Diaspora as always been the case in the past. The potential existence of Israel as a moral, military and spiritual force will then gone, this time with no protector to resurrect the Jewish people.

Did I miss anything?


Blogger Reema said...

The trouble with the world is not faith and religion, but this annoying, ironic, greedy, unjust politically corrupted ideas of our worldly leaders. Sometimes I wonder if it's possible to have an IQ below zero. The way I see the world today, the way I see a third world war coming, it might as well be so.

The more I grow up, the more I begin to hate adulthood. Sometimes I think, if small children had led this world, perhaps there would be more peace.


June 14, 2007 2:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You might be able to come with a better synopsis than that after I gave you the truth.

I was just wondering do you hate the children enough that you ignored the fact those children of Wako
were boiled alive over a religious doctrine?

from this blogger!

You've caught me. I confess: I hate orphans, particularly small children.

Life is not simple. Of course you're correct in your assessment, but Alex Jones may be reluctant summarily to criticize the Catholic Church and in so doing send the wrong message to simple Catholic citizens. If Michael Moore can be sufficiently cowed (I'm sure his Cuba visit and his sudden disappearance from the public scene were orchestrated,) to come out in favor of Federal Health Care, (to pave the way for Hilezbary Clinton) horses can be taught to tap dance.

On Jul 1, 2007, at 10:11 AM, dean Ray wrote:

I took the liberty of inviting the victims to the argument to help you with your lack of passion to the victims.

July 01, 2007 3:52 PM  
Blogger Moss David Posner said...

It is, unfortunately, discouraging to see the world in chaos, as it truly is. In his Iliad Homer describes similar feelings on seeing the destruction of Troy.
Such scenes have been with us for thousands of years. We would like to think that the the technological age would have allowed us to obviate the need for war, but this has not proven to be the case.
Philosophers, psychoanalysts and others, suggest focusing on the simple pleasures that The Almightly affords us--love, family, our work, and creativity. This appears to be insufficient for those who would control us.
I wish I had an answer.
To englandoccupant.... Thank you for contributing to my education. In return, let me assure you that I don't hate children of Waco--or any other children, for that matter. Waco was a gov't sponsored Mind Control program. The people responsible should be put on trial; and when convicted, I will volunteer to be their executioner.

July 02, 2007 5:23 AM  

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