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Monday, November 13, 2006

Europe Died at Auschwitz

I saw this article of Nov. 8, 2005. It has been widely published since it appeared:

Europe died at Auschwitz

November 8th, 2005
Written by a Christian Spanish journalist
Sebastian Villar Rodriguez

I was strolling along Cours Raval (Barcelona ) when I suddenly realized that Europe died at Auschwitz :

We assassinated six million Jews to import in return twenty million Muslims.

We burned at Auschwitz culture, intelligence and ability to create.

We burned a people of the world, people that proclaim itself “God Chosen” because it is this same people that gave humanity emblematic figures capable of changing the face of history (Christ, Marx, Einstein, Freud) people that is at the root of essentials towards progress and well being.

We have to admit that Europe , by relaxing its borders, and under the doubtful pretext of tolerance by bending to a fictitious cultural relativism, has consequently opened its doors to twenty millions Muslims mostly analphabetical and fanatic.

We can find them, at best, in locations like Cours Raval mentioned earlier. Those Muslims who prepare, at worst, attacks like those of Manhattan or Madrid. Such Muslims are cramped in apartments provided to them by official Social Services.

Therefore, we exchanged Culture for Fanatism, Ability to create for Will to destroy, Intelligence for Superstition. We have exchanged the Jewish instinct of transcendence which, even in the worst imaginable conditions, have always aimed at a better world of peace, for a pulse or urge of suicide.

We exchanged the pride to live for the fanatic obsession of death: our death and that of our children.

What a mistake we have committed!


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