
Observations and wisdom on just about anything and everything you can think of.

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Location: Fresno, CA, United States

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

North Korean Nuclear Testing:

Someone please explain to me the fuss over North Korean's testing of nuclear weapons. I don't see North Korea as a substantial source of "hegemony" (to borrow the term from the Chinese) nor do I see them overtly threatening anyone.

It appears as if we become absolutely hysterical whenever anyone shows the slightest tendancy towards technological supersuccession that might have the potential to do bad things--like, for example, the United States.

Our country has, since the fall of the Berlin Wall, rather than to take a place of a benevolent leader and to lead by example and help other nations and give them a leg up, we have allowed the most necrophiliac of interests, mostly corporate, simply rape, pillage, and otherwise act as the outlaws that they are. We have not hesitated to indulge in oppressive policies, kill innocents in a variey of countries who have done nothing to us, and in the case of Iraq, wherein there is absolutely no reason for being there--let alone, remaining there--systematically depriving than country of the ability to survive by blatantly putting an embargo on all good to that place, over a ten-year period, and having the chutzpah to call the action that which it is--an Oil for Food program.

Our greatest crime is, simultaneously, our best defense--ignorance. Our citizenry has done nothing; and what have we come to? A spiritual degenerate infesting the White House, together with his unholy minions, a legislature comprised of the same quality individuals, in which setting graft and corruption are the coin of the realm, wherein no legislation is possible unless there is a price paid to those in power.

These are admittedly sweeping generalizations, but they apply, are true, and undeniable.

Now we have come to the point where our leaders have taken off the gloves. We have the Smirking Chimp in The White House, a "Patriot" Act, which is the height of temerity in name, and a "Military Commissions Act" clearly hiding its contents behind a facade of self-importance, which, taken together, literally eviscerate our Constitution. This of course was helped along by the injection into our country of people who have nothing but contempt for our country, its language and its traditions, and have not the slightest interest in citizenship. This fact, coupled with a dumbed-down educational system which teaches absolutely nothing about critical thinking and demands no performance before handing out rubber stamped papers attesting to some academic achievement or another, all taken together guarantees the rapid demise of our sacred institutions.

This past week it has been revealed that Bush & Co. have purchased literally dozens of thousands of acres of land in Paraguay, and even now is negotiating with the Paraguayan government certain guarantees against any extradition attempts against any of their family and close associates.

This coming election, there will be some changing of hands, and absolutely nothing will be done. This is readily apparent for the simple fact that absolutly no would-be leader has set the revocation of any of these accursed Acts as defined above as his or her highest priority.

We are now seeing a trickle of people leaving our country for Europe and Australia and Canada. It will become a flow, and then a torrent--until the governmental oppression puts a stop to it.

When that happens, God help us all. No one else will.


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